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History Of ICGAB

History Of ICGAB

History Of ICGAB

In 2000 our Founder President & dreamer Dr. Saleh Ahmed Bhuiyan FCFC, FCS, FCMA, FCGA was working as the Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) . At that time he has to communicate with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), Confederation of Asia and Pacific Accountants (CAPA), South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) and other reputed institute of the world. He found that in the United Kingdom has many chartered & non charted accounting bodies like ACCA, ICAEW, CIMA, CIPFA, CAS. Their qualified members are working senior position globally and they got hand some remuneration. When he was doing post graduation course in the university of Southampton he saw ACCA can study from anywhere of the world and AAT is rising institutes for the mid level accountants. He thought to establish a institute like AAT for development accounting profession in the country. Accordingly, after leaving job from ICMAB, he started AATB in the country with the approval of the ministry of commerce, government peoples’ republic Bangladesh and side by side he started to provide ACCA tuition as only pioneer tuition provider in the country and continued it for long years . Regarding, AAT he himself prepared logo, prospectus, syllabus and started motivating potential person to have AAT qualification. Our Founder President went to UK for treatment in the 2nd half of 2013 and returned in 2014 found that the institute is almost dead, councilors left the institute. Again he reorganize the AAT with some dedicated person, again by preparing prospectus and upgrading syllabus .In 2015 he proposes to upgrade the institute in the name of ICGAB was unanimously approved by council & general members through EGM. Founder President tried his best by taking Mr. Mamun or Rashid Council member, Mr, Shahidur Rahman Vice President and Mr. JahirulKaium Sr. Vice President to get approval from government for long two years. In 26 February 2018 the ICGAB approved by Ministry Commerce, Government Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh. Our founder always pays his highest respect to Mr. Shubhashish Bose Secretary, Ministry of Commerce for his kind consideration and his colleagues.

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