Ref: No.005/Picnic/19/4211
Dated: 14th December, 2019
We have immense pleasure to convey our warmest invitation to your good self and your esteemed family members at the Annual picnic -2020, Institute of Certified General Accountants of Bangladesh of with the following programs:
Luxurious Picnic Spot: Mohammadi Garden
Kusuria Bazar Road, Mohishashi Bazar, Dhamrai, Dhaka
Day and date: Friday, 31st January, 2020
Registration Fees: Member/Student with spouse: Tk3,000/-
Member/Student single: Tk2,000/-(Per person)
Children (3-10 years old): Tk1,000/- (Per person)
Member’s Guest: Tk2,000/-(Per person)
Driver: Tk1,000/-(Token)
Registration Deadline: 24th January, 2020
Glimpses of the Day
07:00am: Starting Journey (In front of ICGAB Office)
09: 00 am: Arrival at the picnic spot
09: 30 am: Breakfast
09: 45 am: President will open Picnic Ceremony
10: 00 am: Sports and other event for children, member and their spouse
01: 00 pm: Jumma Prayer
01: 45 pm: Delicious Lunch
02: 45 pm: Cultural Program
03: 15 pm: Declaration of “the person of the picnic”
03: 30 pm: Raffle Draw
03: 40 pm: Refreshment
All esteemed Member are requested to kind complete registration in time and also attend the Annual congregation of the Institute of Certified General Accountants of Bangladesh.
Annual Picnic Registration Link:
With warmest regards
CGA Muhammad Mamun Ur Rashid
Council Member & Convener of Picnic Committee
ICGA Bangladesh